24 response to "Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 – Start It Up – Goals & Skills HD ft. Lloyd Banks & Kanye West"

  1. By: MergaOTR Posted: July 26, 2011

    2:12  where goes the ball .!

  2. By: MergaOTR Posted: July 26, 2011

    i think messi is better .<3

  3. By: dsnosuperstar Posted: July 26, 2011

    He is an amazing player , respect

  4. By: djzoneboro Posted: July 26, 2011

    People say Messi is the one better at skills and dribbling but I’d say it’s more the over way around.

    Ronaldo would be the better player out of him and Messi if he only performed well in the CL.

    Messi’s proven himself at the highest place possible in the champions league final. If Ronaldo does the same he’ll probably become better than Messi.

  5. By: myrecks Posted: July 26, 2011

    @kike denis if messi can assist and score without anyone and being the best player as he is, he should win world cup no problem and to the other guy u say ronaldo has silenced the camp nou twice. Can u tell which was the first time? im curious cause i seriously cant recall…. Only other time ive seen camp nou this year vs madrid was benzemas goal in kimgs cup

  6. By: ice89cooool Posted: July 26, 2011

    True that coz he’s from the planet of GAYS 

  7. By: miamicanes09 Posted: July 26, 2011

    if anyone honestly thinks messi had a better than ronaldo needs to come back to reality

  8. By: edymasta Posted: July 26, 2011

    all messi’s goals are chips from fabregas or xavi or iniesta look at them am i right. also chips from him too! what pisses me off though is that many of messi’s goals werent meant to be, with barcas cheaters like busquets and making dives and excuses etc..

  9. By: edymasta Posted: July 26, 2011

    ROnaldo is the MOst Complete Player for fact i wanna see messi go to another club.. just sayin cant beat ronaldos records

  10. By: vRxProDiiGy Posted: July 26, 2011

    Thats what I said..in America.
    Once again.Like those stats did something.When they really needed him, like for example the Nou game, if they would have won, barca could’ve had a chance,he didn’t appear.Cant score without Ozil?what are u smoking bro.Ronaldo:Record holder in EPL –> Strongest League now. Messi: Record Holder in LIGA BBVA –> supposedly the strongest..haha Messi has played with the same team like for 10 years. Ronaldo has proven in other teams and didn’t have ozil to pass did he?

  11. By: tomi0911873967 Posted: July 26, 2011

    I did’n knew that messi have 58 account 😀

  12. By: Kike Denis Posted: July 26, 2011

    Santos = The best team of America

    Cristiano scored 4 goals? did you know Messi has 3 assists the last 5 classicos? that show Cristiano cant score without Ozil and Messi can assists or score without anyone, how many times has Messi silenced the Bernabeu and Owned Cristiano anyday?’ scoring 1 goal doenst mean get owned, scoring 3 goals and 2 assists in 2 games that is OWNED

  13. By: Feargface Posted: July 26, 2011

    Thumb up yer hole you attention seeking brat.

  14. By: vRxProDiiGy Posted: July 26, 2011

    He owned neymar that is really something, they beat SANTOS!!! Santos is not one of the best teams in the world bro, maybe in America but thats about it. He didn’t “own” ronaldo, ronaldo is not the team. And let me refresh your mind: Ronaldo last 5 classics with barca: 4 goals. Messi Last 4 classics: 0. Who “owned” who now. Cristiano: the one who silenced Camp Nou for the Second time.

  15. By: munktorp Posted: July 26, 2011

    Definitely dude !!!! I just hate that midget Messi !!!

  16. By: Kike Denis Posted: July 26, 2011

    Well he won Super european cup, Super spanish cup (vs real madrid owning cristiano and all scoring 3 goals and 2 assists) and world teams cup vs Santos (owning Neymar) and the next (maybe) is Kings cup, while Cristiano last year score 52 goals and won just Kings Cup, Messi this year score 72 and got 3 titles and maybe a fourth

  17. By: vRxProDiiGy Posted: July 27, 2011

    Yea.. those 72 goals and 30 assists really did something this year…NOTHING. He couldn’t even score a penalty to save Barca’s ass against chelsea. Barca lost by 9 point in La liga. Yea those 50 goals did something.

  18. By: Youngnreckless420 Posted: July 27, 2011

    Balon D oro 2012

  19. By: ConsoleGamerTV Posted: July 27, 2011

    FIFA 12 much?

  20. By: Mrmmaatteeuss Posted: July 27, 2011

    hoje em dia se preocupam mais com a musica do que com as jogadas

  21. By: Kike Denis Posted: July 27, 2011

    Messi is a beast 72 goals and 30 assists, he is the most goal socrer and the best assistant player, he is like Cristiano and Ozil together

  22. By: F3llTh3Music Posted: July 27, 2011

    The words about Cristiano Ronaldo are superfluous

  23. By: futuromusical66801 Posted: July 27, 2011

    Cr7 best of da 21st century

  24. By: amburlovesFIR Posted: July 27, 2011


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